Runes of the elder Futhark
GMC Sowilo Sun
GO Saugil Sun
OE Sigil Sun
ON Sol Sun
Phonetic value „s“
The S-rune is that of the sun, part of the solar wheel. Both the words „sol“ and „sunna“ for the sun in Old Norse are feminine in nature as were the cosmic forces represented by the sun. It is the counterforce to Isa, or the cosmic ice. The S-rune is often connected to the lightning bolt, or a flash of inspiration or ecstacy. It strengthens the spiritual and psychic powers and abilities, increasing spiritual might. It provides „enlightenment“ and success through individual will. The sun is refered to as the White Sow even today in Scandinavian countries. It is a rune of education and understanding, as well as one that transforms ice to water, a transformative force. It can represent high achievements, honor and obtained goals.